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Coffee Shop Owner

Open Door
Web & Business Solutions

Starting your own business can be very overwhelming.  So many things to do that you did not even think of.  Open Door Web & Business Solutions can help with some of the mundane things, at a very affordable price, that take up your precious time.  Every day we can save you from doing paperwork, is another day you can spend on your making your dream come true.  What could possibly take you days or weeks to do, you can hand over to us and we will have it taken care of, in most cases in 24 hours. 

Let us help you start up your small business! 
It's like having a 
Personal Assistant!
LLC, EIN Registration Package

small business,

So!  Let's Get Started!

Get A Free Business Counselor From MSSBDC.
If you haven't already contacted Mississippi Small Business Development Center, you really want to consider this.  The service is free and the advise
and guidance can be invaluable.   
Do Research On Your Business Idea.
You have probably already done quite a bit of
research, but a another few days to think about it clearly, make some additional notes, call your MSSBDC counselor and run it past them, and and maybe think about it again!  Then - the adventure begins!
Apply for your LLC.
A LLC may be owned by one or more persons.  Member of the LLC are not personally liable for the debts or liabilities of the company.  While there are other possible company structures, the LLC is the most common one.  Open Door Web & Business Solutions can help you with this.  Save yourself hours of frustration and let us just take that off your To Do List.
Apply for your EIN Number.
The IRS requires most business entities to use a Federal Tax ID (EIN) - corporations, partnerships, limited liability company, and sole proprietorships.  A Federal Tax ID (EIN) is a unique number assigned to a business or organization by the IRS. Open Door Web & Business Solutions can help you with this.  Save yourself hours of frustration and let us just take that off your To Do List.
Gather All Documents For Funding.
(If applying for a loan, or to show to potential investors.  You will also need this information to write a Business Plan if you are seeking any sort of funding.)

This is information you really need for tax purposes, but it is imperative if you are seeking any type of funding.  Its best to get it all together now so that you will have a good system on keeping up with the financial information after you Business is up and rolling.  Open Door Web & Business Solutions can help you with this.  Open Door Web & Business Solutions has created an incredible form template to organize all this information.  It is based on the exact information you will need to put together your Business Plan and once completed, you will have everything you need to create then put in a formal format for your specific needs.  We call it our Business Plan Tool Box.  Everything in one place for you to easily put into the formal Business Plan structure.  The form will walk you through everything you need.  Another benefit is you can start and stop the process and your work is saved.  If you don't have a couple of thousand dollars put to the side for a professional to create your Business Plan you will want to consider our Business Plan Tool Box.
Write Your Business Plan.
(If applying for a loan, or to show to potential investors.  You will also need this information to write a Business Plan if you are seeking any sort of funding.)

If you are using Open Door Web & Business Solutions Business Plan Tool Box then you have most everything you need.  The only thing you will need to do is to take that information and put it in the format that the specific institution or investor requires.  If you don't have a couple of thousand dollars put to the side for a professional to create your Business Plan you will want to consider our Business Plan Tool Box.
Create Your Website.
If you are handy with todays computer technology and have the time, now would be a great time to show off those skills.  Remember, in many cases, your website will be the first impression your investors or future clients will see, so you want to really make it great.  If your not so handy, or simply don't have the time Open Door Web & Business Solutions can take that off your hands.  Give us a call!
Create Your Social Media.
Today, your Social Media and your website must work together.  Your Social Media gives quick glimpses into your into your business, but your website goes into great detail.  Your Social Media may show that you have a great Red Sweater on sale, but your website, will show that great Red Sweater along with all your other products.  Who knows what your customer may need to go with that great Red Sweater, but you want to make sure that they have ALL your options to give them.

Open Door Web & Business Solutions

Call 662-403-1017                
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